Now that I finally have my car back (after a month of Love needing to drive it while we saved up to get his fixed), I was able to call the Spay and Neuter Clinic and make an appointment for Ginger’s spay. It’s for TOMORROW (September 4th) and I’m all nervous now.
I know it’s a routine surgery and they do it all the time but this time it’s MY little girl having it done and of course, that’s scary for me.

So any good thoughts, positive energy and well-wishes for the little orange fuzzbutt tomorrow are greatly appreciated.

Thanks and….Eek!
I hope all went well last week!
Leo is currently at the vets under general anasthetic. He’s having his 22 fangs removed and a few other tests. They did mention a small heart murmur. I’m trying to be brave, but can’t wait until I get the UK bring him home.
Oh jeez, I totally forgot to update the blog. (I posted on FB but then forgot to update here.) Ginger is doing amazing. She highly resented being forced to stay in the crate for 2.5 days and was out running around like literally nothing happened when I let her out Saturday. Amazing.
Aw, poor Leo!! Sending good thoughts to you both.