I had to go back and count because I hadn’t been keeping exact track lately but today is 16 weeks since my hysterectomy. That seems like such a long time ago. But in many ways, it’s very recent. I think I’ve finally reached a point where the aches and pains part of the healing are…
Tag: post op
I spent most of Friday just in a serious funk. Kept crying because of the damned collection letter. It’s like, why even bother trying to be responsible and pay everyone off if I’m just going to get screwed over and ruin my credit anyway? Everything is stacked against you as the debtor and they make…
So, even though the debt started as $1,200 and it’s down to $930 and I’ve been paying every month, apparently the “fact” that so long as you pay they can’t send you to collections is an urban myth. Every single person I’ve ever talked to both in person and online said just pay it each…
Quality of Life
Yesterday, I shared the Assumptions people make about me based on their preconceived notions and health care expenses. Today, I’m expanding on that topic to Quality of Life. Besides “knowing” all the money I obviously waste on doing my nails, having a fancy new car, buying iPhones, etc. people also have other “helpful” suggestions about…
Saturday Rest
I got more than a little overwhelmed on Friday when the links, emails, mentions, tags and hits just flooded in. It was crazy. So Saturday, Love and I took a day completely off the interwebs. We took a drive over to Orlando, talked, walked around, window shopped, people watched, had a burger, watched some fireworks…
3 Months Post Op Hysterectomy
I haven’t done a post-op entry in awhile and after finding my I am Obamacare image on MoveOn.org (craziness!) I realized I should do an update again. If you find this information helpful, please consider shopping my handmade jewelry etsy shop, PhoenixFire Designs! I make my living creating unique, one of a kind, handmade jewelry…
New at PhoenixFire Designs
Still time to shop and receive your handmade jewelry for the holidays!! Listed a lot of new items in the shop the past few days, so please take a look. Don’t forget, I also customize! Don’t forget you can also “Like” PhoenixFire Designs on Facebook! This year, it’s more important than ever that I have…
PhoenixFire Designs Updates
Love’s doing well, sore but healing. What’s not doing so great is the finances since we had to spend $187 Thursday for the surgery that no one told us about ahead of time. Part of that money was earmarked for our past-due power bill but now…ugh. So, I’ve been hard at work trying to get…
The Cost of A Hysterectomy in America
All of my bills have been coming in lately. But one of them really drives home just how expensive surgery truly is and why for people without insurance, things like this are utterly impossible to obtain. And I wanted to share it to help illustrate why I support Health Care Reform. This is why I…
Still Sick, Medical Bills & Day Job Update
So I’m still dealing with the cold that I woke up with out of nowhere on Saturday. My poor lips are all cracked and split, my nose is red and scaly and now everything is turning to chest congestion so I’ve added coughing up nasty crap to my runny nose. Super fun and oh so…
Good Day Sunshine
I had my 6-week post-op appointment today. The doc came in the room and said, “Hello Sunshine!” 🙂 Had my exam and he said everything is perfect. No problems, everything is healing nicely. I am off restrictions and unless I have any problems, I don’t have to go back until next June for my regular…
6 Week Post Op Hysterectomy
Today is 6 weeks from surgery. Tomorrow I have my 6-week appointment with my doctor to see how I’m healing up. It’s a big stage in the healing since, if all is well, I get a lot more restrictions lifted and can get back to almost normal activities. Even though at 6 weeks you are…
Ok, so it’s Monday. And busy week ahead. First, the Honda. Love talked to a friend who gave a mechanic recommendation. Looked him up on Google and he’s got 10, 5-star reviews. Everyone says he’s honest and fair priced. Love’s friend has been going to him for years. So I’m waiting on AAA right now…
Quiet Weekend
Had a pretty laid-back, quiet weekend. Saturday, we slept in and had some little errands to run like dropping off the recycling and getting cat food. We rented Thor for $1 at the Blockbuster Express kiosk in the store so we watched that Saturday evening. It was pretty good. Sunday, I agreed to get up…
Belly Button Sensitivity – Normal
My darn belly button has been so tender and sensitive. It’s just so annoying to have anything brush/rub/push/touch it right now and has been for several days. So I called my doctor’s nurse just to make sure that was ok. (You know, a normal part of healing rather than a sign something is wrong.) She…