Love’s doing well, sore but healing. What’s not doing so great is the finances since we had to spend $187 Thursday for the surgery that no one told us about ahead of time. Part of that money was earmarked for our past-due power bill but now…ugh. So, I’ve been hard at work trying to get…
Tag: medical assistance
The Cost of A Hysterectomy in America
All of my bills have been coming in lately. But one of them really drives home just how expensive surgery truly is and why for people without insurance, things like this are utterly impossible to obtain. And I wanted to share it to help illustrate why I support Health Care Reform. This is why I…
Still Sick, Medical Bills & Day Job Update
So I’m still dealing with the cold that I woke up with out of nowhere on Saturday. My poor lips are all cracked and split, my nose is red and scaly and now everything is turning to chest congestion so I’ve added coughing up nasty crap to my runny nose. Super fun and oh so…
Good Day Sunshine
I had my 6-week post-op appointment today. The doc came in the room and said, “Hello Sunshine!” 🙂 Had my exam and he said everything is perfect. No problems, everything is healing nicely. I am off restrictions and unless I have any problems, I don’t have to go back until next June for my regular…
6 Week Post Op Hysterectomy
Today is 6 weeks from surgery. Tomorrow I have my 6-week appointment with my doctor to see how I’m healing up. It’s a big stage in the healing since, if all is well, I get a lot more restrictions lifted and can get back to almost normal activities. Even though at 6 weeks you are…
Ok, so it’s Monday. And busy week ahead. First, the Honda. Love talked to a friend who gave a mechanic recommendation. Looked him up on Google and he’s got 10, 5-star reviews. Everyone says he’s honest and fair priced. Love’s friend has been going to him for years. So I’m waiting on AAA right now…
This Week in PhoenixFire Designs
Just wanted to share some of the newest items available this week in the PhoenixFire Designs Shop. I’m trying to gear up for the holidays, so I am working on getting new pieces listed. Don’t forget, I gladly take custom orders as well! First up…It’s been over a year since I’ve offered one of my…
What’s New At PhoenixFireDesigns
I desperately need to drum up some sales. Things have been so slow for over a week now and I’m honestly panicking looking at the dwindling balance in my account. With surgery 16 days away (and counting!) and $600 still to go, PLUS trying to build a little bit of a safety net while I’m…
Run Down
I don’t know what it is lately, but the last few days, I’ve just been extremely tired, fatigued and just generally run down. I almost feel like I’m getting sick again but that doesn’t make sense and I don’t really think I am, but it’s that kind of general body ache/malaise where you have no…
This is apparently my 401st post on my blog. Jeez that’s a lot! Especially since I officially moved over to this current WordPress blog in April 2010! 😉 So anyway, some updates… Blood Pressure I have an appointment with a primary doctor Thursday, August 11th at 11:30am. This will be for a general physical as…
End of the Week
It’s the end of another week and we’re in the final days of July. Hard to imagine it’s almost August. Tomorrow, we have the big garage sale at Mom’s house. I’m heading up there when Love gets home to bring up a few more items and my sister had more items to bring up as…
Stuffy Nose and Stupidity
Man, I don’t know what gives lately but the last few days my nose will NOT stop being all stuffy! I’ve been blowing it non-stop and it just keeps right on coming. I can’t breathe so it’s hard to sleep and it hits in waves and when it does, I’m just miserable. Pollen counts only…
I’ve been sitting staring at the title line for 15 minutes trying to start the blog but given that it’s about 1:30 in the morning, nothing is coming to me. Just a simple entry with brief update from the last few days. Saturday – As you probably saw in the last post I stopped and…